School News

It’s time to get involved in the Parkcrest PAC!

We are still looking to fill the following spots on the Parkcrest PAC:

CHAIR, Vice Chair, Fundraising Coordinator and Events Coordinator.

  • Positions can be shared by multiple individuals. If the idea of taking on a position seems like too much for you to do alone, consider sharing the position with another parent(s).  This is a great opportunity to become more involved in our school community while sharing the load and working together with other parents.
  • To be considered a fully functioning PAC, we need a Chair. In absence of this, we will have to DISSOLVE THE PAC.
  • This means we would no longer be eligible to receive the government gaming grant – which is approximately $5,000 per year.  We would also be required to turn over all funds in our accounts to the school and we would no longer be able to make decisions around how those funds are spent (see minutes for details on the many ways the PAC has contributed to our school – monetary donations to the library, music program, and resources program; funds for field trips, pumpkin patch, etc.)
We know this is a very busy time for EVERYONE but our PAC won’t exist without your support!  Please consider becoming more involved in your child’s school experience by getting involved in our Parkcrest Parent’s Advisory Committee.  Any questions, please email:
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