
Hot Lunch ordering is now OPEN

MunchaLunch is now open for ordering for the January – March, 2023 session.  Dates are as follows:

Monday January 9: Fresh Slice Pizza

Monday January 16: Fuel Catering

Monday January 23: COBS Bread & TCBY Frozen Yogurt

Friday January 27: Hot Dog Day

Monday February 6: Fresh Slice Pizza

Monday February 13: Fuel Catering

Friday February 17: Hot Dog Day

Tuesday February 21: COBS Bread & TCBY Frozen Yogurt

Monday March 6: Fresh Slice Pizza

Tuesday March 28: White Spot

Friday March 31: Hot Dog Day

We will be closing all orders on Wednesday January 4th, 2023 @ 7pm.  As always, late orders cannot be accepted. 

****Please check your emails for instructions on ordering from Munchalunch.